Sunday, January 30, 2011

More Snow!!

So we got hit with another snow storm last week! This time we got about 12-15inches and got to spend another day in the house together ha! The next few days we got some novelty snow and it was soo pretty and fun to be outside in!! Kyle got together with the neighbors and made a 10 foot snowman ha!! It was pretty awesome and pictures just don't do it justice but I will put some up anyways :)!! We are expecting more snow this week so maybe we can build igloos or something haha. I absolutely LOVE the snow and can't wait for more ha!!

That's Kyle on the top ha can you see him?

1 comment:

  1. Look I figured it out! haha
    That snowman is amazing, take a little bit of time to melt that one! Get ready for more snow on Tuesday :)
    All your pictures on here are really neat buddy.

    Have a great day, this post better make your day...due to the fact that you told me to write on here haha.
    Ill see you Wed night I hope!
